Today’s Witch Magazine offers several subscription plans for our magazine. Each will be explained below. If you subscribe there will be additional percentages off the cover price. However there will be one cost for shipping and handling. Payments will be made according to the below instructions: However, fail to miss a payment and you immediately suspend your subscription and will not receive further copy. No Refunds, Returns, or Replacements will be offered.
Annual: An annual subscription is 25% off the cover price. The Cover price is $14.95/issue, which is equivalent to paying $179.40 the cost per year is $134.55 + $120.00 SH, for a total of $254.55. The SH is one time fee and will not be pro-rated. I know this may sound a bit expensive but due to several issues with the post office and people not receiving their magazines, I now have to ship each issue Priority Mail so that tracking can be provided.
Semi-Annual: Semi-Annual subscription is 20% off the cover price. The cover price is $14.95/issue which is equivalent to paying $179.40. The cost of a Semi-Annual subscription is $143.52 which will be divided into to 6 month payments of $71.76 + $60.00 SH which will be charged as follows: First Payment is $131.76 and the next payment is $131.76 . Again this may seem expensive but due to several issues with the post office and people not receiving their magazines, I now have to ship each issue Priority Mail so that tracking can be provided.
Quarterly: A Quarterly subscription is 15% off the cover price. The cover price is $14.95/issue which is equivalent to paying $179.40. The cost of a quarterly subscription is 152.49 which will be divided into 4 payments of $38.12 + $30.00 SH. which will be charged as follows. Each Payment is $68.12 due every 3 months. Again this may seem expensive but due to several issues with the post office and people not receiving their magazines, I now have to ship each issue Priority Mail so that tracking can be provided.
Monthly: A monthly subscription is 10% off the cover price. The cover price is $14.95/issue which is equivalent to paying $179.40. The cost of a monthly subscription is $13.45 + $10.00 SH. which will be charged $23.45. per month, due every month. Again this may sound expensive but due to several issues with the post office and people not receiving their magazines, I now have to ship each issue Priority Mail so that tracking can be provided.
If you opt not to purchase a subscription you can buy the Magazine from our website at cover price. No back issues will be provided with subscriptions so if you wish any of the previous issues you must purchase them individually from our site. Your subscription will start the month of the purchase and proceed until the same month of the following year if Annual, if Semi-annual it will proceed until the 6th issue, if Quarterly it will proceed unto the 3rd issue and if monthly it will proceed month to month from the month of purchase.
Click the Paypal Link Below to start your subscription: