Advertising and Distribution Rates:
If you wish to have your shop advertised with us, we have several affordable options available.
A 1/10th to ¼ page advertisement is $150.00 per year it will start the first month of release and proceed until the same month of the following year. It will be published in our monthly magazine as well as in a banner on our website.
A ½ page advertisement is $250.00 per year like the previous it will start on the first month of release and proceed until the same month of the following year.
A Full page advertisement is $450.00 per year. This is a limited quantity advertisement and will not be given on a select page. However, it will rotate throughout the magazine and be present in all issues for a full year’s time.
Please be aware all payments must be submitted with the ad no exceptions. Ad’s submitted without payment will not be printed in the magazine.
A 1/10th to 1/4 page advertisement is $50.00. This ad will run for 2 issues prior to your festival.
A 1/2 Page advertisement is. $85.00 This ad will run for 2 issues prior to your festival.
A Full page flyer advertisement is $150.00 This ad will run for 2 issues prior to your festival.
All advertisement submissions must be submitted 3 months prior to the festival date. They will run in the 2 consecutive issues prior to the date of the event. All advertisements must be submitted with full payment in order to be accepted for a run. There will be no refunds on the cost of this advertisement. Please make sure that all information in your ad is accurate. We are not responsible for any mistakes that are present in your ad.
If there is a date change please submit your changes prior to the 10th of the month; 2 months prior to the first printing of the Ad in the magazine.