Today’s Witch Magazine

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Today’s Witch Magazine your premium monthly magazine on Paganism and Alternative Spirituality. This monthly publication is also the home of two other premium items which cannot be found anywhere else. The Today’s Witch Traveler’s Companion. A guide to Pagan and Metaphysical stores throughout the country that lists over 309 stores in alphabetical order by State, City and Store Name. It fits in the palm of your hand, your glovebox, purse or vehicles console. It’s a must have for the travelling Pagan. Also it is the home of the First Ever Pagan Puzzle book, called the Pagan Puzzler. If you wish to be entertained as well as educated, or if you are an educator and need a tool to stimulate the mind and creativity of your students this is the right book for you. It contains 63 puzzles and 13 coloring pages.

Today’s Witch Magazine Products

Click on any of the above images to order your copies of the magazine today. More will be added as they are published and look for our upcoming issues and new products like our updated Traveler’s Companion. Thank you all for being with us this first year and we look forward to providing you with more magazines.