2024 Edition

An annual publication of Covered Bridge Press LLC and Today’s Witch Magazine which provides the travelling Pagan the opportunity to have an easy to carry guide to Metaphysical Shops, Crystal Shops, and Holistic Healing Centers throughout the country. They are listed in Alphabetical Order by State, City, and Store name and have all the information to enable to traveler not only to locate them but also if they are passing through a state be able to find everything they need t suit them at a moments notice. It’s only 4×7 and can fit in your purse, glovebox, or console. It’s 93 pages of valuable information to the travelling Pagan and it’s one of a kind. With a very attractive high gloss cover it’s a perfect bound paperback and should prove to be one item you’re not going to want to do without.

Hello To all Pagan Stores.

6 months ago, we put out a publication called The Today’s Witch Traveler’s Companion, a listing of metaphysical, botanical, stones, herbs, and healing centers throughout the Continental United States, listed by state, city, and store name alphabetically.

This book has since gained in popularity due to the overall need for a portable reference for traveling pagans. 

Do you have any idea how many stores are actually out there? 500? 1500? 2000?  We didn’t when we started this project, and we have currently discovered well over 3,000 stores.

Too often stores like your own get lost in the shuffle of the internet and nobody can find them.  This is a solution to that problem.  By providing this exclusive directory we can help point people to your location as they are travelling through.

Our initial 2024 release of The Traveler’s companion  is comprised of 92 pages and 309 Stores which verified their listings and information with us.  We urge you to join your fellow small business owners in getting your store listed in our next updated issuance of the Traveler’s Companion.

Please contact us at your earliest convenience so that we can get all the information verified.

The cost to be listed is $25.00 for Two Years.

You are under no obligation to distribute the Traveler’s Companion; however, we currently have stores that find this book hard to keep in stock and are constantly reordering it.

If you should decide you would like to distribute it, the cost of distribution is 10.00 per copy.  The Companion Retails for 19.95. which is almost a 100% markup.   There is no minimum on the number of copies to order, and it can be reordered as necessary.

To see a portion of the previous issue of our Traveler’s Companion as well as our other publications please visit our website https://todayswitch.net.

If you wish to carry the Companion and/or our other publications,

Please contact me at 570 534-7628 or email me @ co*******@to*********.net or visit our website https://todayswitch.net.

Thank You for your Considerations.

Edward Sott  (CEO Covered Bridge Press/Today’s Witch Magazine)

Product details

Due to troubles with the postal service we are no longer providing free shipping. There will be no returns, or replacements, or refunds issued once your package leaves our facility. Therefore, if you do not receive your package upon three-days notice of shipping please contact us for your tracking number and also contact your post office.